Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I gave up...

I just cannot get through The Atonement. No matter how hard I tried to get myself to just sit down and read it, I just couldn't.

I will try again later, but for now my mind just couldn't keep up. So instead, I've decided to begin reading The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. I've already read the book, but when I read it I was at the ripe young age of 18. I'd just graduated from High School and I received the book as a gift from a very special High School teacher. At 18, I enjoyed it, but in all honesty, I've forgotten what the book said. At 20 (okay, 21), I'm at this age where I'm beginning to figure out who I am in regards to the "adult" world, so I think that I'm going to need it.

Randy Pausch was a professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given a very short time to live. He worried about teaching his children, who were very young at the time, all of the life lessons that a father would normally teach a child throughout their lifetimes. So, in order to teach his children all the things that he wanted to teach them, he gave a lecture, appropriately title "The Last Lecture" at Carnegie Mellon. He titled his lecture "Really Achieving Your Chilhood Dreams." Shortly after his lecture, he also turned it into a book. Which I am currently reading!

I really, really recommend this book to any and every one. It may seem like a self help book, but really, it makes you think. I'm already putting together a few blog posts on my personal blog based on some of the ideas in just the first two chapters of the book. Expect a review, like, tomorrow :)

Happy Reading!,

1 comment:

Kara Hoag said...

Might have to look into it. You almost have to fight nowadays to get people to take the time to read rather than 'watching the movie version.'

visions unto myself

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